Countries to which we export:









Find more information on the characteristics of those products in the PRODUCTS tab .
Where you will find the data
sheet for each product.


Agroindustrias Valle Vida produces, processes and exports olive products like:

• Whole green olives
• Pitted olive green
• Green olive on slice
• Black olives in brine
• Pitted black olives
• Black olive in slice

The process is done in olive green soda for a set period during the fermentation process quality checks are performed in order to obtain a quality product with a firm texture, pleasant taste and characteristic color of each product.

• Spices
- Conventional dry oregano
- Dried mushrooms
- Pepper paprika
- Pepper Panka
- Ginger
- Thyme

• Olive oil
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Virgin olive oil

• Andean grains
- Quinoa







Agroindustrias Valle Vida S.A.C.
RUC.: 20533192891

Production Headquarters: Asentamiento 5 y 6 parcela 108
la Yarada Tacna

Offices: Domingo Orue 456 T - II 701, Lima 34 - Lima - Perú

Phone: (+51) (52) 314604




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